Mac Password Change Instructions To change your password, log into: logging into the MyApps page, click on your initials in the upper right corner, then click on "View account" In the password tile, click on "Change Password" Type in your current district passwordCreate a new password following the criteria below: Minimum password length is 16 characters No spaces You can’t use one of your 5 previous passwords Your password should not contain your name or username Your new password can not be too simple or easy for a human to guess Bad Password Examples: Password12345678 WayzataPublicSchools Click "Submit" to create your new password.If you receive an error when trying to save the new password, make sure you: Typed the new password correctly twice in the "Create new" and "Confirm new" password boxes Created a unique password that meets the requirements listed above Your password change was successful if you see the screen shown at right In the top menu bar on your Mac, click on the button shown at right and choose "Sync local password with Microsoft" Type in your newly created password when promptedComplete the multi-factor prompt as needed by approving the Authenticator app notification, checking your texts, or answering a phone call, depending on how you have your second authentication step configured. When you see the screen shown on the right, type in your old computer password and select "Enter" Done! IMPORTANT REMINDER If your mobile device is connected to WPS wifi and/or you are logged into the default email app with your Wayzata email account, you will need to update the password/s in those apps in order to connect back to wifi and/or your email account Failure to update your password in these places will cause your account to lock For assistance, visit Updating Password on Mobile Device