Must be at a Wayzata district building on WPS wifi or be connected to Wayzata VPN if off-site for this to work

1. Click on the desktop background of your computer. Your top menu bar should say "Finder" in the top left corner

2. Click on the "Go" menu in the top menu bar and choose "Connect to Server"

3. Type "smb://wpsfiles" and hit "Connect"

4. Click "Connect" again
5. Wait for a login window to pop up, then follow instructions below:
  • Connect As: Registered User
  • Name: Your username (firstname.lastname)
  • Password: Your district password
  • Optional: Check the box to remember your password

6. Choose the appropriate starting folder to gain access to your files and click "Ok"

7. A Finder window will pop up with the connected file share folder/s that you chose in the previous step